Welcome to Your Better Balance

Where finding the right balance happens.


One Breath, one moment, one day at a time.

Welcome to Better Balance Being, a functional medicine health practice committed to helping women of all ages look and feel their best. I'm Ravina Thomas and my goal is to provide you with the highest quality of healthcare using a personalized, holistic approach to help you achieve balanced hormones.
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Open the Door to a Happier, Healthier You!

Discover How Modern Life is Making You Sick to Your Gut

In an experiment in the 1990’s in Arizona, scientists created a tiny version of Earth inside a dome to learn how planet’s living things grow. They designed and created a Biodome or sanctuary in which life would thrive without the need of external resources, a closed ecosystem. This perfect environment meant that it had the perfect amount of radiation, so you didn’t have to use any sunscreen. The water was clean, so you didn’t need to filter the water. There were enough nutrients in the soil, so supplements were not needed. Once the trees and plants were planted, everything seemed to grow and grow and grow, as expected. The trees were very tall, but once they grew to a certain size they would crack and come crashing down.

WHY was this happening?

Scientists were baffled. They didn’t understand why these trees were falling over in this closed system. When they came to realize that they had forgotten to take into account environmental components outside of the dome, such as the wind, pollution, storms and other factors. 

WHY are these external factors so important?

When tree fibers experience wind, they move back and forth, causing them to shiver and grow stronger with deeper roots in order to withstand the never-ending barrage of gusts for many years to come.

WHY does this matter?

The same principles apply to digestion. Our digestive system is designed to be similar to a biodome in that is it self contained. Our environment internally, like that of the tree, must be strong enough to respond and flexible enough to adapt.

~All disease begins in the gut.~

Hippocrates said this more than 2,000 years ago, but we’re only now understanding how right he was. Today, many researchers believe that the gut flora or intestinal microbiota and the gut barrier or intestinal permeability will determine the state of your health.

The Gut Flora: A Healthy Garden Needs Healthy Soil

Our gut is home to 100 trillion microorganisms. That’s 10 times more bacteria than all the human cells in the entire body, with over 400 known diverse bacterial species. In modern life there are several things that contribute to an unhealthy gut flora, including:

  • Medications – antibiotics, birth control pills, and NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen)
  • Diets high in refined carbohydrates, sugar, and processed foods
  • Diets low in fermentable fibers
  • Dietary toxins like wheat
  • Industrial seed oils
  • Chronic infections
  • Chronic stress

The Gut Barrier: The Gatekeeper Decides What Gets In or Stays Out of the Body

The gut is a hollow tube, like a garden hose, that starts in the mouth and passes through the esophagus, stomach, small intestines, and large intestines to the anus. When there are no holes or tears in the intestinal barrier or garden hose, it allows nutrients into the body and keeps out toxins, infections, viruses, etc. However, when the digestive tract has holes or tears in it, chunks of undigested food, toxins, infections, and/or viruses are allowed to move into the body and can lead to health challenges.

Are You OVERWHELMED by all of your symptoms and just not sure where to start?

  • Wake up feeling exhausted?
  • Experience belching or gas within one hour after eating?
  • Experience heartburn or acid reflux?
  • Use antacids?
  • Have chronic diarrhea?
  • Have greasy or shiny stools?
  • Are your stools hard or difficult to pass?
  • Have less than one bowel movement per day?
  • Have any known food allergies?
  • Experience air borne allergies?
  • Have any issues with asthma, sinus infections and/or stuffy nose?
  • Have difficulty losing weight?
  • Anxious and feeling stressed all the time?
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Understanding what you need to feed your unique body to heal


Taking out what's harmful to your unique body


Creating an environment both internally and externally for healing


Imagine being fitter, healthier, and more energized than ever before. Imagine the end of chronic health issues. Imagine springing out of bed, well rested, eager to get to a day full of eating delicious food that fuels you and makes you feel vibrant.


I firmly believe that we are born equipped with everything we need to be healthy. When people are unwell, the body is out of balance.

At Better Balance Being, we create a nutrition and lifestyle program designed to rebalance YOUR body so that in can begin the innate healing process. Rather than chasing symptoms, we look for ROOT cause solutions us using advanced laboratory testing and targeted supplementation, with a foundation of nutrient-dense food and a healthy lifestyle to help our clients achieve their goals. We dig deep to:

1.      Uncover possible deficiencies

2.     Restore healthy digestion

3.     Balance blood sugar

4.     Address food sensitivities

5.     Balance hormones

6.     Detoxify the body to support the body’s natural healing process

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Discover new ideas regarding bloating with practical tips and strategies.
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By Ravina Thomas 20 Jun, 2023
If you're looking to make healthier meals, the right cookware can make all the difference. Healthy cooking pots and pans are designed to reduce the amount of toxins that can leach into your food.

Proper preparation is an important aspect of a nourishing diet.  The cookware, oils, and methods used to prepare meals can impact levels of harmful compounds in your food. In general, cooking "low & slow" in quality cookware will minimize toxins and maximize nutrients.

If you are using non-stick pans at home, keep reading....

Non-stick is made from Teflon and contains a manmade chemical as PFOA which does not breakdown in the environment and has a very long half-life in the body once absorbed. The greatest concern for Teflon (polytetrafluorethylene, or PTFE) is in overheating this cooking surface which can cause a number of toxic gases to be released. When heated, cookware treated with this cooking surface can cause a number of toxic gases to be released. In fact, cookware coated with Teflon and other non-stick surfaces emits fumes that can actually kill birds and potentially stricken people. 

My goodness: Haven't we all let a pan get too hot at least a few times in a month? Why risk it?

Let's Look at some alternatives...
By Ravina Thomas 09 Jun, 2023
From green vegetables to calcium-rich dairy and nuts, there's a whole lot more to bone health than you might think. Some of our favorite guilty pleasures are actually detrimental to our bone health and overall well-being.

That’s right, the little indulgences that bring us comfort can actually take away from our health goals. To help you stay mindful of the foods that need to be kept to a minimum to ensure strong bones and overall wellness, here's a snapshot of the ones to steer clear.

  • Caffeine: for every 100 mg of caffeine the amount in a small to medium sized cup of coffee, you lose 6 mg of calcium per cup of coffee. Tea and colas containing caffeine also acidify to your body, throwing off the delicate balance of acid-alkaline and leading to bone breakdown.

  • Salt: for every 2,3000 mg (approximately one teaspoon) of sodium you take in, you lose about 40 mg of calcium. That may not seem like much but over time this can lead to a considerable amount of bone loss.

  • Soft Drinks : the carbonation from phosphoric acid, increases calcium excretion which leads to an imbalance in the calcium/phosphorus ratio . 
  • Alcohol: blocks mineral absorption (calcium, boron, magnesium, zinc and other bone rooting minerals you eat). Heavy drinking can even interrupt the bone remodeling process by preventing osteoblasts, the bone building cells, from doing their job. So not only do bones become weaker but when you do suffer a fracture, alcohol can interfere with healing.
  • Hydrogenated Oils : the process of converting liquid vegetable oil into solid oils, called hydrogenation interferes with bone building because hydrogenous used to saturate the carbon bonds destroys the vitamin K naturally found in the oils. Vitamin K is essential for strong bones.
  • Sugar:  depletes calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins and increases cortisol - otherwise known as our stress hormone (100 grams of sugar increases production of cortisol and causes problem with thinning of the bones)
  • Gluten : thins bones due to being acid producing.
  • High (excessive) Protein Foods = acidifies blood leading to calcium loss.
  • Night Shades: can be a problem in some people as it can cause arthritic changes in sensitive people.
  • Living in a Chronic State of Stress:  When we live in constant stress our body naturally produces more cortisol which in turn leads to  higher thyroid hormones. Hormones need to be balanced and addressed when trying to rebuild our bones.

By Ravina Thomas 21 May, 2023

Our ancestors did not eat the way we do. Their diets were composed of one or two foods at a time as they came across them, with many meals consisting of nothing but animal protein or fruit or roots with herbs. With the advent of agriculture, a more varied diet became available. However, vegetables and fruits were still generally available only in their season, with the exception of a few root vegetables that could be stored. The food processing we take for granted today had not yet been invented, and processed carbohydrates were not a part of the diet. Rolaids and Tums hadn't been invented either, and it appears that our ancestors did not suffer from the digestive problems so prevalent in modern times. Dr. William Hay is well-known for his research into this poorly- understood (and poorly-followed!) health opportunity.

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